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Your personal box office

Stubmatic is an online box office service for venues, promoters, theatres and anyone with tickets to sell. We help you sell tickets online and provide all the tools to promote, sell and track sales.
We don't charge any booking fees (but you can!)

Preview: Vibrant's box Office

List events on your box office

Stubmatic allows you to easily create events. Once created, events can be listed on your public box office where customers can then buy tickets.

You can add as many events as you like. Stubmatic offers a variety of subscription plans which offer a different allowance on the number of events that can be listed each month.

Screenshot of adding an event

← Event Details

Enter the name and a description to be shown on the box office.

← Venue Details

You can select a previously used venue or enter a new one. Venues are managed under the Venues section where additional information can be specified.

← Event & Box Office Dates

Specify and start and end dates and you can also optionally specify a date to stop selling tickets.

← Tickets & Payment

Specify tickets available, price, currency and your PayPal registered email address where payments are to be sent. Optionally charge a booking fee and it's yours to keep. You can sell tickets in any PayPal supported currency.

← Options

You can either check each individual attendee's name on the door or request address details to send out tickets in the post.

Who is using Stubmatic?

Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco, California

Bottom Of The Hill, is an independent live music venue in San Francisco, CA.

"With all the other ticketing solutions out there, the clubs get zero out of selling advance tickets and the customers are left unhappy with the exorbitant fees they have to pay. Stubmatic is different, with no fees, we get 100% of the ticket value.."
- Judas Bosch, Bottom of The Hill

Why use Stubmatic?

Stubmatic is great for any event or activity. You get the full order amount (including any booking fees) instantly to your PayPal. we give you your own box office and help market your event by providing tools that fully exploit the web 2.0 movement.

Stubmatic is ideal for:

  • Music events
  • Theatre
  • Training and corporate events
  • Festivals and fates
  • Exhibitions
  • Tourism trips & activities
  • Charity events
  • Sporting events
  • Any other event or activity

Stubmatic in a nutshell

  • Your own personal box office
  • We don't charge fees but you can
  • Tools to promote your events
  • Track ticket sales & statistics
  • Instant payment direct to PayPal
  • Use an ordinary PayPal account
  • Incredibly easy to use!
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